2025-2026 Leadership Greater Huntsville Program Application

Class members are based on the following criteria:

  • High standard of personal integrity
  • Record achievement in community activities, or a desire to increase community involvement
  • The ability to set and attain goals as demonstrated by significant career, personal or community achievements
  • The commitment of necessary time and effort to complete the program
  • Representation from a cross-section of the population

While applications are confidential, Leadership Greater Huntsville may use the information submitted by class members in printed materials (bio, name, etc.) for selected class members.  To assist in selecting a class that reflects the diversity of the community, you are asked to specify your gender, race and/or ethnicity.

The class selection is based solely on the information you have submitted in the application.  Please take time to complete all sections thoroughly and tell us what is unique about you.


"This application takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and must be finished in one sitting, as it cannot be saved and returned to later. We strongly encourage you to review the entire application beforehand to ensure you have all the required information and materials ready before you begin."

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Applicant Information

Please enter your preferred first name.

Please enter as ###-###-####.

Personal email

Employment Information

Please enter as ###-###-####.

Work Email (Please do not use the same email address as your personal email)

Enter N/A if Other was not selected.

Professional Bio & Education

This will be used in the class directory and for the alumni directory.

20MB max

Please write in 3rd person, 150 words max.  This will be used in the directory and will not be edited or proofread once submitted.

Education (Colleges, Advanced Degrees, Specialized Training)

Significant Community Involvement

Enter N/A if Yes was not selected.

Areas include: community, civic, religious, political, governmental, social, and athletic or other areas of involvement over the last five years (organization, role and dates.):

You will need to submit two references to complete this application.

Enter Full Name of Reference.

Please enter as ###-###-####.

Enter Full Name of Reference.

Please enter as ###-###-####.

Employer Commitment Agreement
I (the applicant) certify this application has the approval of my company or organization. I have given my employer all program dates, including orientation and/or overnight retreats.

Please enter as ###-##-###.

TUITION IS DUE UPON ACCEPTANE OF THE CLASS If accepted into the program, you or your employer/sponsor will be billed for tuition. Tuition covers all program costs, including lodging, food and transportation. Tuition is non-refundable.

Enter N/A if Other was not selected.

Tuition assistance is available on a limited basis. Selecting yes has no bearing on your acceptance to the program.

If No, please put N/A.

Electronic Signature

I understand the purpose of the Leadership Greater Huntsville program.   If selected, I will devote the time and resources necessary to complete the program. Although emergencies can arise, I am aware that any participant who has not met the minimum attendance requirement for whatever reason may be dropped from the program with no tuition refunded.

In addition, if “employer” or “other,” is indicated as my tuition source, I certify the appropriate approval has been granted to pay Leadership Greater Huntsville the program tuition. If “self” is indicated, I agree to accept responsibility for payment should I be chosen for the class.

I understand the above commitments and agree in signing this application to be bound by them.

LGH Alumni
LGH Employee

Enter N/A if Other was not selected.